Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Bleep" it!

I have decided that - for the time being at least - I'm going to try and lessen and or eliminate the usage of profanity in my entries here. Please understand, that I came to this decision, not because my outrage and or anger about the issues that piss me off has lessened any; to the contrary. I've made this decision so that in the unlikely event that an elected, appointed, or employed official reads my stuff, it might be taken more seriously. Not that my use of profanity isn't serious mind you, but I'm just afraid that my use of profanity could perpetuate the selfishness and cowardice behind the "status quo" in the Family Law and Child Support Collection Industries. Anyway, I feel my strong and aggressive point of view - and first hand experience - validates my word choice. But, someone from those walks of life could chicken out and not read my entries in their entirety simply because I curse. So, from now on, I'll do my level best to insert "clean" blog entries.
David Goldman still hasn't gotten his kid out of fucking Brazil! Oops; there I go again.....

Don't get me started!!! Too late......
